Moonshine - moonshiner
kelle poolt geo63, 12. aprill 2011
Postitused: 12
Keel: English
geo63 (Näita profiili) 12. aprill 2011 20:42.39
I'm looking for the esperanto words meaning:
moonshine - illegally distilled or smuggled whisky or other spirit.
moonshiner - a person who illegally makes or smuggles distilled spirits
These words are not in any dictionary I have access to. Can anyone help?
Rogir (Näita profiili) 12. aprill 2011 21:49.45
kontraŭleĝa alkoholaĵo
kontraŭleĝa alkoholfaristo
sudanglo (Näita profiili) 12. aprill 2011 21:55.03
geo63 (Näita profiili) 13. aprill 2011 5:00.59
Rogir:Since they are related to a period in US history which most other countries didn't have, most other languages do not have such a word. So it seems best to me to simply describe the activity:Thank you, but we did not understand each other - such descriptive words I can produce easily myself, I am looking for something original, if anyone heard of it. For instance in Polish:
kontraŭleĝa alkoholaĵo
kontraŭleĝa alkoholfaristo
ksiezycowka (ksiezyc = moon, ksiezycowka - alcohol made during the night in the moonlight)
bimber (home-produced alcohol)
bimbrownik (one that illegaly makes alcohol)
samueldora (Näita profiili) 13. aprill 2011 5:22.28
Action: schwarz brennen (nigre destili, nigre bruli)
Produkt: Schwarzgebrannter (nigre destilitaĵo, nigre brulitaĵo)
Person: Schwarzbrenner (nigre destilisto, nigre brulisto)
darkweasel (Näita profiili) 13. aprill 2011 5:39.48
Rogir:Not the alkoholfaristo is illegal, but the alkoholfarado. This form seems questionable (and comparable to similar kvaretaĝa domposedanto which is nonsense).
kontraŭleĝa alkoholfaristo
geo63 (Näita profiili) 13. aprill 2011 8:46.15

geo63 (Näita profiili) 13. aprill 2011 8:54.49
samueldora:German:Vielen Dank.
Action: schwarz brennen (nigre destili, nigre bruli)
Produkt: Schwarzgebrannter (nigre destilitaĵo, nigre brulitaĵo)
Person: Schwarzbrenner (nigre destilisto, nigre brulisto)
In German, English and also in Polish black (schwarz - czarny) means illeagal. But does "nigra" mean the same in esperanto?
black market - ŝtelŝakrejo and not "nigra merkato" or something similar, but perhaps anyone has a better dictionary.
sudanglo (Näita profiili) 13. aprill 2011 11:05.05
So 'nigra distilanto' could be a moonshiner and 'nigraj distilaĵoj' could be moonshine.
geo63 (Näita profiili) 13. aprill 2011 11:17.40
sudanglo:NPIV 2005 has entries for 'nigra listo, 'nigra laboro', and 'nigra merkato'.Thanks a lot.
So 'nigra distilanto' could be a moonshiner and 'nigraj distilaĵoj' could be moonshine.