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Moonshine - moonshiner

geo63, 2011 m. balandis 12 d.

Žinutės: 12

Kalba: English

geo63 (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 12 d. 20:42:39

Hello there.

I'm looking for the esperanto words meaning:

moonshine - illegally distilled or smuggled whisky or other spirit.


moonshiner - a person who illegally makes or smuggles distilled spirits

These words are not in any dictionary I have access to. Can anyone help?

Rogir (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 12 d. 21:49:45

Since they are related to a period in US history which most other countries didn't have, most other languages do not have such a word. So it seems best to me to simply describe the activity:

kontraŭleĝa alkoholaĵo
kontraŭleĝa alkoholfaristo

sudanglo (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 12 d. 21:55:03

Benson gives kaŝfarita viskio for moonshine

geo63 (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 13 d. 05:00:59

Rogir:Since they are related to a period in US history which most other countries didn't have, most other languages do not have such a word. So it seems best to me to simply describe the activity:

kontraŭleĝa alkoholaĵo
kontraŭleĝa alkoholfaristo
Thank you, but we did not understand each other - such descriptive words I can produce easily myself, I am looking for something original, if anyone heard of it. For instance in Polish:

ksiezycowka (ksiezyc = moon, ksiezycowka - alcohol made during the night in the moonlight)
bimber (home-produced alcohol)

bimbrownik (one that illegaly makes alcohol)

samueldora (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 13 d. 05:22:28

Action: schwarz brennen (nigre destili, nigre bruli)
Produkt: Schwarzgebrannter (nigre destilitaĵo, nigre brulitaĵo)
Person: Schwarzbrenner (nigre destilisto, nigre brulisto)

darkweasel (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 13 d. 05:39:48

kontraŭleĝa alkoholfaristo
Not the alkoholfaristo is illegal, but the alkoholfarado. This form seems questionable (and comparable to similar kvaretaĝa domposedanto which is nonsense).

geo63 (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 13 d. 08:46:15

The problem with Esperanto is that due to its international nature, there are some ideas missing in its vocabulary. I think that this is the case - we do not have a simple word for moonshine and moonshiner. Perhaps most esperantists are just abstinent. rido.gif

geo63 (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 13 d. 08:54:49

Action: schwarz brennen (nigre destili, nigre bruli)
Produkt: Schwarzgebrannter (nigre destilitaĵo, nigre brulitaĵo)
Person: Schwarzbrenner (nigre destilisto, nigre brulisto)
Vielen Dank.

In German, English and also in Polish black (schwarz - czarny) means illeagal. But does "nigra" mean the same in esperanto?

black market - ŝtelŝakrejo and not "nigra merkato" or something similar, but perhaps anyone has a better dictionary.

sudanglo (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 13 d. 11:05:05

NPIV 2005 has entries for 'nigra listo, 'nigra laboro', and 'nigra merkato'.

So 'nigra distilanto' could be a moonshiner and 'nigraj distilaĵoj' could be moonshine.

geo63 (Rodyti profilį) 2011 m. balandis 13 d. 11:17:40

sudanglo:NPIV 2005 has entries for 'nigra listo, 'nigra laboro', and 'nigra merkato'.

So 'nigra distilanto' could be a moonshiner and 'nigraj distilaĵoj' could be moonshine.
Thanks a lot. sal.gif

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