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How do you say "Anyway"?

de ceigered, 25 juin 2011

Messages : 21

Langue: English

ceigered (Voir le profil) 27 juin 2011 09:55:32

Thanks sudanglo for that distinction. It makes it much easier to find the right word to express.

@ Horsto, "ne gravas" is also another option I like.

"Nu, ne gravas. Tamen, ĉiuokaze, kiam ni foriru?"


johmue (Voir le profil) 27 juin 2011 11:29:20

ceigered:Erm, anyway, how do you say "Anyway" in Esperanto, e.g. "So, anyway, back on track, ...."?
Ĉiel ajn ...

erinja (Voir le profil) 27 juin 2011 11:37:53



Altebrilas (Voir le profil) 27 juin 2011 19:35:48

"Cxiukaze" corresponds to the french "en tout cas", with the same meaning.

darkweasel (Voir le profil) 27 juin 2011 19:39:57

Altebrilas:"Cxiukaze" corresponds to the french "en tout cas", with the same meaning.
... also to German-language jedenfalls.

bertilow (Voir le profil) 27 juin 2011 22:05:34

Kirilo81:(nu) bone
Or just plain "nu", or even "do", or perhaps "nu do".

ceigered (Voir le profil) 28 juin 2011 10:16:18

I feel quite stupid after seeing all these great ways to solve a simple problem rido.gif

Dankegon, ĉiuj!

Korsivo (Voir le profil) 28 juin 2011 22:56:24

I am only a beginner of E-to but in most cases I would use 'tamen', which translates very well as 'however' too. And I would employ 'ĉiuokaze' for translating 'in any case', normally at the beginning of the sentence. Please let me know if I got it wrong or disagree. sal.gif

Kraughne (Voir le profil) 30 juin 2011 04:40:11

Kirilo81:(nu) bone
Or just plain "nu", or even "do", or perhaps "nu do".
That probably has the most accessible meaning for the majority of Esperantists. Er...didn't you write the PMEG? This kind of small translation problem is reasonably suited for its author, heh.

NJ Esperantist:For some reason 'ajne' comes to mind.
This is a good answer. Ajne embodies the vagueness conveyed by the English "anyway." Maybe you could even get away with using ajn by itself in this way.

bertilow (Voir le profil) 30 juin 2011 08:43:58

Kirilo81:(nu) bone
Or just plain "nu", or even "do", or perhaps "nu do".
That probably has the most accessible meaning for the majority of Esperantists. Er...didn't you write the PMEG?
People keep telling me I did, but I don't believe them.

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